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Social network concept


Growing up I have always had an interest in the lates and greatest technology, I have always been fascinated by how technology is used to solve everyday problems. Whether is be computers or cell phones, technology has become a big part of my everyday life and in the future, I hope to pursue a career in the technology field.



I haven't done much traveling in recent years, but the traveling I have done, has definitely been memorable. I love the idea of packing up, and taking a trip to a completely different part of the world, being exposed to different cultures and different people. I believe traveling should be a part of everyones life, people get so caught up in their routine lives that sometimes putting you life on pause and traveling to learn about the mountains of Japan, is something anyone might need.

Film Reels


I have always been a fan of movies, dating back to when I was a young boy watching pretty much every Disney film that was out at the time. Being older now, my interest in movies has only increased, I love all types of movie genres ranging from comedy, horror and even drama. I believe my love for movies will only continue to increase as time passes and I look forward to the movies coming out in the future.

Interests: Services
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